About Me

"I'm trying to make a difference in where I'm living & support people around me to realize their own dreams & personal calling."

What I like to think Myself: Business Writer, Brand Enthusiast, Social Entrepreneur

Writing Project: Drafting my first book ' Idea Matters' you can be a part by editing, contributing here- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j-ATDSCLb7uzcC9so2mLQaBfBwNJ__M4k2J6aCZkX1U/edit?hl=en_US (PLEASE mention your name what ever you contribute)

What's doing Now:

Founder & Cheif Co-ordinator
Future Start-up

Rahimafrooz (Group Parent Company) Bangladesh Ltd
Worked Before:

Part-time Contributor (1 Month)
Bangladesh Brand Forum

Research Assistance (1 month)
Epique Home Appliances Ltd

Business Promotion Officer (1 & half month)

Epique Home Appliances Ltd

Worked for free: 

Bangladesh Youth Environmental Initiative

Institutional Representative

Joint Secretary (2010-2011)
Surja Sen Bitarka Dhaka (Surja Sen Debating Club)
Surja Sen Hall, University of Dhaka

Convener, English Debate
Surja Sen Bitarka Dhaka (Surja Sen Debating Club)
Surja Sen Hall, University of Dhaka

Ethics Club Bangladesh

Professional Interest:
Social Entrepreneurship, Brand Enthusiast, Change making, Leadership Development, Non-profit Branding, Communication, Social Media Optimist.

Proven Skills: 

Building Brand Awareness, Social Media, Communication, PR, Sales, Creative big Idea Generation, Problem Solving, Writing, Public Speaking, Critical Thinking, Team building